A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils

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Wunderlich acting on behalf of H-F Villard

According to our data, this company was founded in 1880. It isn't yet certain when they began working with aero, though they represented Henry Félix Villard, with Patent BE-1912-250417, and they seem to have played a role in Patent BE-1909-214032 along with its extraordinarily long list of child patents. The particular role of Alfred E. Wunderlich as engineer, within all of this, isn't perfectly clear. The designation Société anonyme is used.

It seems clear that the company represented Wunderlich himself, at least from time to time, and within aero. We are presently examining a large set of Belgian data.

(This will likely have to be listed as a Belgian patent agent within our data.)

{{Company |Names=A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils, [[Société anonyme |Country=BE |City=Brussels |Affiliations= |Keywords=propellers |Started aero= |Ended aero= |Key people=Alfred E. Wunderlich; Alfred Wunderlich }}