Patent CH-1907-41855

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"Mechanism intended for use in the propulsion of boats, submarines and aerostats as well as in the production of motive power by means of a current of air or water" On reflection this patent seems weak. Template:Weak. What problem has it been shown to solve? It's a cool collection of parts, but has it been shown to be of any use?

  • Inventor location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Patent agent: A. Ritter, Bâle, Switz. (Basle or Basel)

Patent family descending from Patent CH-1907-41855

  • Patent CH-1907-41855 (English title: Mechanism used for propulsion of boats, submarines, and aerostats, with a current of air or water used to produce motive force, National tech categories: CH 128e)
  • Patent IT-1908-94503 (English title: Mechanism used for propulsion of boats, submarines, and aerostats, with a current of air or water used to produce motive force, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1907-41855, National tech categories: IT 8)
  • Patent GB-1908-5977 (English title: Improved mechanism for the propulsion of ships, submarines, and aerostatics or the production of motive power, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1907-41855)
  • Patent FR-1908-388864 (English title: Mechanism intended to be used for the propulsion of ships, submarines and aerostats as well as for the production of motive power by means of a current of air or water, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1907-41855, National tech categories: FR 5.8)
  • Patent US-1908-970607 (English title: Propelling and driving mechanism, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1907-41855)


Year filed 1907
Year granted 1908
Office CH
Patent number 41855
Inventors Jean Bernasconi, José Cervelli, José Molinari
Inventor country AR, AR, AR
Inventor location
Applicant person Jose Cervelli, Jean Bernasconi, Jose Molinari
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? 1
Original title Mécanisme destiné à être employé à la propulsion des bâteaux, des sous-marins et des aérostats ainsi qu'à la production de force motrice au moyen d'un courant d'air ou d'eau
English title Mechanism used for propulsion of boats, submarines, and aerostats, with a current of air or water used to produce motive force
Tech fields propulsion, jet, marine
Filing date 1907-11-16
Full specification filed date
Application number
Grant date 1908-12-01
Granted? 1
Publication date
Supplementary to patent
Related to aircraft? 1
Serial number
Patent agent A. Ritter
Assigned to
National tech categories CH 128e
Family year 1907
First filing? 1
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID
Number of text pages 3
Number of diagram pages 1
Number of figures 4
Number of claims 3