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The Swedish patent office from 1885–1895 was the Kongliga Patentbyrån (Royal Patent Office; frequently abbreviated Kongl. Patentbyrån), then, from 1895, Kongliga Patent-och registreringsverket (Royal Patent & Registration Agency). and the current one is the Patent-och registreringsverket [1]

SE is an abbreviation in this wiki referring to Sweden (Sverige). We think 'sv' is the indicator for the Swedish language. "SV" is in fact the designation analogous to Wikipedia, for instance, though "SE" is used within Espacenet.

Swedish patenting

  • Swedish patent reforms: 1819/1834, 1856, 1884 -- rigorous novelty search
  • "Swedish patent agents were responsible for between 30-40% of foreign patents in Finland."[2]
  • Starting in 1856 in Sweden and in 1876 in Finland it was required that for a foreigner to get a patent, a local patent agent must be identified. Andersson indicates that the requirement was intended to serve judicial processes.[2]
  • The Register till Patent of 1908 says the Kungl. Patent- och Registreringsverket was at Birger Jarlsgatan 7, Stockholm. It has certain open hours listed (11-3) and listed many technical publications, maybe available there. According to that source, the 1907 patents in Sweden were numbered from 21798 to 23838

This wiki has 3 Swedish patents and 51 patents filed by Swedes.

Patent data

All Swedish patents of the early aero era have been computerized and metadata made available at the Swedish historical patent database. Our colleagues Fredrik Tell and David Andersson and Patricio Saiz worked on it. ([1])


Key people


Sweden had a similar experience to that of Roumania and the Netherlands. In 1897 a corps was formed in the fortress of Vaxholm, and material was supplied by the firms of Godard and Surcouf, in Paris. In 1900 an officer was sent to Versailles to study the French methods of instruction. A year later Lieutenant Saloman was sent to Vienna for a similar purpose, and in 1905 Lieutenant von Rosen was attached for several months to the corps stationed at Berlin. A balloon-ship was introduced in the Swedish Navy in 1903, intended for purposes of coast defense. It carried a German kite-balloon of a capacity of 25,000 cubic feet, which is filled with hydrogen, produced electrolytically, and compressed in cylinders.[3]


See also

Patent results

Patents filed in Sweden

Patents filed by Swedes