Patent DE-1916-366693
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Descends from an earlier British patent of 2 june 1911 or 29 Oct 1915. Pretty clearly means this one: Patent GB-1915-15290 Yes, they have the same diagrams. That means we know the inventors, whose names are not on this application. It's peculiar to put them in, here, but the ancestor patent is clear.
Patent family descending from Patent GB-1915-15290
- Patent GB-1915-15290 (English title: Improvements in and relating to Planes or the like for Aeroplanes, Filing date: 1915-10-29)
- Patent GB-1916-103400 (English title: Improvements in and relating to Planes and the like for Aeroplanes, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1915-15290, Filing date: 1916-04-29)
- Patent DE-1916-366693 (English title: Aircraft wing, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1915-15290, Filing date: 1916-12-19, National tech categories: DE 77h.5)
- Inventor location:
- Original patent document and Bibliographic info at DPMA
- Original patent document and bibliography entry at espacenet
- espacenet
Year filed | 1916 |
Year granted | 1923 |
Office | DE |
Patent number | 366693 |
Inventors | Alexander Albert Holle, Arthur William Judge |
Inventor country | GB |
Inventor location | |
Applicant person | |
Applicant firm | Varioplane Company |
Applicant type | COMPANY |
Applicant is inventor? | 0 |
Original title | Tragflaeche fuer Flugzeuge |
English title | Aircraft wing |
Tech fields | wing |
Filing date | 1916-12-19 |
Full specification filed date | |
Application number | V0013679 |
Grant date | 1923-01-10 |
Granted? | 1 |
Publication date | |
Supplementary to patent | Patent GB-1915-15290 |
Related to aircraft? | 1 |
Serial number | |
Patent agent | |
Assigned to | Varioplane Company |
National tech categories | DE 77h.5 |
IPCs | |
CPCs | CPC B64C3/48 |
Family year | 1915 |
First filing? | 0 |
Cites these patents | |
Citations from after 1930 | |
Application ID | 12829736 |
INPADOC family ID | 10226511 |
Number of text pages | 2 |
Number of diagram pages | 1 |
Number of figures | 2 |
Number of claims | 3 |