Latham, 1909, Il passaggio della manica in aeroplano

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Original title Il passaggio della manica in aeroplano
Simple title The passage of the sleeve in an airplane
Authors Hubert Latham
Date 1909
Countries IT
Languages it
Keywords passage, sleeve in an airplane
Journal Riv. Tech. Aer. Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.
Related to aircraft? 1
Page count 1
Word count
Wikidata id


  • Brockett (1921), page 763, entry 17: Latham, Hubert. Il passaggio della manica in aeroplano. Riv. Tech. Aer. Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital., Anno 6 (1909), No. 7, Roma, p. 234, ill. (B2p0763e17)