August Riedinger Ballonfabrik Augsburg G.m.b.H.
Seems likely it's the same company advertised as Ateliers Auguste Riedinger, Augsbourg (Bavière)
Making balloons and rubber fabrics.
Locations in Mannheim, Liège, Brussels, and St. Louis.
Claim responsibility for the balloon Helvetia piloted by Col. Theodor Schaeck to win the 3rd Gordon Bennett International Balloon Race.
Hildebrandt, 1908, Airships Past and Present (p. 174):
[A]lmost every civilized nation is developing its ballooning capacities, and lately there has been a tendency towards the adoption of German models, evidence of which is to be found in the fact that within the last nine years the firm of Riedinger, in Augsburg, has supplied more than 500 spherical and kite balloons.
Patents associated with organization named August Riedinger Ballonfabrik Augsburg G.m.b.H.
- Patent CH-1891-3234 (English title: Regulating apparatus for generator, Filing date: 1891-01-10, Applicant firm: August Riedinger Ballonfabrik Augsburg G.m.b.H.)
- Patent CH-1891-3442 (English title: Air motor for sewing-machine- and similar engines, Filing date: 1891-04-20, Applicant firm: Kommanditgesellschaft für Popp'sche Druckluftanlagen • August Riedinger Ballonfabrik Augsburg G.m.b.H.)
- Patent DE-1907-200871 (English title: Balloon valve, Filing date: 1907-06-24, Applicant firm: August Riedinger Ballonfabrik Augsburg G.m.b.H.)
- Patent FR-1907-379972 (English title: valve for balloons, Filing date: 1907-07-17, Supplementary to patent: Gebrauchsmuster DE-1907-04-19 • Patent DE-1907-200871, Applicant firm: August Riedinger Ballonfabrik Augsburg G.m.b.H.)
- Patent DE-1907-203900 (English title: Balloon valve, Filing date: 1907-11-14, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1907-200871, Applicant firm: August Riedinger Ballonfabrik Augsburg G.m.b.H.)
- Patent RU-1908-18334 (English title: Self-regulating valve for aerostat., Filing date: 1908-01-16, Supplementary to patent: Gebrauchsmuster DE-1907-04-19 • Patent DE-1907-200871, Applicant firm: August Riedinger Ballonfabrik Augsburg G.m.b.H. • Аугсбургская фабрика воздушных шаров Августа Ридингера)
- Patent AT-1909-39388 (English title: Valve for kite-, captive-ballon, and similar., Filing date: 1908-07-10, Applicant firm: August Riedinger Ballonfabrik Augsburg G.m.b.H.)
- Patent AR-1910-7584 (English title: Captive balloon, Filing date: 1910-09-28, Applicant firm: August Riedinger Ballonfabrik Augsburg G.m.b.H.)
- Patent CH-1912-61322 (Inventors: August Riedinger, English title: Balloon-valve, Filing date: 1912-07-16, Applicant firm: August Riedinger Ballonfabrik Augsburg G.m.b.H.)
Patents associated with organization named Ballonfabrik Augsburg A.G.
- Patent DE-1918-332425 (English title: Balloon valve, Filing date: 1918-08-23, Applicant firm: Ballonfabrik Augsburg A.G.)
- Patent DE-1918-344591 (Inventors: August Riedinger, English title: Parachute, Filing date: 1918-10-23, Applicant firm: Ballonfabrik Augsburg A.G.)
Names | August Riedinger Ballonfabrik Augsburg G.m.b.H., Ateliers Auguste Riedinger, Ballonfabrik Augsburg A.G. |
Country | DE |
Locations | Augsburg, Mannheim, Liège, province de Liège, région wallonne, Brussels, région Bruxelles-Capitale, St. Louis |
Affiliations | |
Keywords | balloons, kite balloons, Helvetia, kites, Atelier |
Started aero | Before 1909 |
Ended aero | |
Key people | August Riedinger |
Wikidata id |