Ungarische Lloyd Flugzeug und Motorenfabrik AG

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This firm was known in Hungary as the Magyar Lloyd Repülőgép- és Mótorgyár-Részvénytársaság (Hungarian Lloyd Aerospace and Motor factory-Joint Stock Company, Magyar Lloyd Aircraft- and Motor Factory-Shareholder Company, Public Limited Company, Limited Company, Joint Stock Company).

Formed by designer Obit Bier as branch of Deutsche Flugzeug-Werke (DFW). We infer it was a subsidiary.

Wizina and von Melczer, designers, 1914-1917. This "von Melczer" is quite conceivably the Tibor Melczer of Patent HU-1913-63841.

Originally built DFW types under license; then built Bier-designed biplane; subsequently built Hansa-Brandenburgische types. In 1914-1916 built several hundred original reconnaissance biplanes designed by Wizina and von Melczer, who also produced fighter biplanes and triplanes in 1917.

Our patent data has the firm earlier filing from Aszód, Hungary.[1][2] The data has him later filing from Budapest.[3][4]

There is a pattern of first filings in Austria, followed shortly after by filings in Hungary.

Patents associated with organizations named Magyar Lloyd Repülőgép- és Mótorgyár-Részvénytársaság or Ungarische Lloyd Flugzeug und Motorenfabrik AG



Organization names Ungarische Lloyd Flugzeug und Motorenfabrik AG; Magyar Lloyd Repülőgép- és Mótorgyár
Entity type Limited and Public for-profit corporation
Country Hungary, Austria-Hungary
Locations Aszód, Budapest
Affiliated with DFW
Started aero 1912
Ended aero 1917
Keywords HTA, design, motors, military, biplane, airplane
Key people Wizina, Tibor Melczer
Wikidata id Q2493417