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Keyword for publications with translations.
Publications referring to translation
- Technologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen, französischen und englishcen Sprache (Simple title: Technologisches Wörterbuch)
- Moedebeck, , Manuel de la navigation aérienne militaire. Traduction rédigée par le lieutenant Kovanko (Simple title: Manual of Military Air Navigation. Translation by Lieutenant Kovanko)
- Blanchard, 1784, Narrative of his third aerial voyage from Rouen, on the 18th of July, 1784 (Simple title: Narrative of his third aerial voyage from Rouen, on the 18th of July, 1784)
- Marey, 1871, The mechanical flight in the animal kingdom (Simple title: The mechanical flight in the animal kingdom, Journal: L'Aéronaute • Annual Report of the Aëronautical Society of Great Britain)
- Marey, 1875, La machine animale (Simple title: The animal machine)
- Moedebeck, 1886, Der Luftschifferpark in der Italienischen und in der Russischen Armee. Aus dem Bulletin de la Reunion des officers, 17 April 1886 (Simple title: The airship park in the Italian and Russian armies. From the Bulletin de la Reunion des officers, 17 April 1886, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch. • Bulletin de la Reunion des officers)
- Hervé, 1887, Der gegenwärtige Stand der Luftschiffahrt (Simple title: The present state of aeronautics, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Lambine, 1892, Aérostation et vol (Simple title: Aérostation et vol)
- Violle, 1893, Lehrbuch der Physik. Deutsche Ausg. T. I. Mechanik d. festen Körper. T. II. Mechanik d. flüssigen u. garförm (Simple title: Textbook of Physics. German Edition T. I. Mechanics d. solid body. T. II. Mechanics d. liquid u. even form)
- Langley, 1893, Le travail intérieur du vent (Simple title: The internal work of the wind (6), Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Da Vinci, 1893, Manuscripts of Leonardo Da Vinci. Codice sul Volo degli Uccelli e varie altre materie, transcribed and translated into French (Simple title: The Manuscripts of Leonardo Da Vinci. Code on the Flight of Birds and various other subjects published by Teodoro Sabachnikoff. Transcriptions and notes by Giovanni Piumati Translation into French by Carlo Ravaisson-Mollien)
- Lilienthal, 1894, The flying man (Simple title: The flying man, Journal: McClure's Mag.)
- Lilienthal, 1894, The flying man (Simple title: The flying man, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Lilienthal, 1894, The flying man. The carrying capacity of arched surfaces in sailing flight (Simple title: The flying man. The carrying capacity of arched surfaces in sailing flight, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Langley, 1894, Die innere Arbeit des Windes (Simple title: The inner work of the wind, Journal: Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau)
- Lilienthal, 1897, The best shapes for wings (Simple title: The best shapes for wings, Journal: Aeronautical Annual)
- Fonvielle, 1897, La vérité sur l'expédition Andrée (Simple title: The truth about the Andrée expedition, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Langley, 1898, Nuevo Aparato Volador (Simple title: Nuevo Aparato Volador, Journal: Annals of the Institute of Civil Engineers (Chile))
- Langley, 1898, Nuevo Aparato Volador (Simple title: Nuevo Aparato Volador, Journal: Annals of the Institute of Civil Engineers (Chile))
- Chanute, 1898, American gliding experiments (a) (Simple title: American Gliding Experiments (a), Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Chanute, 1899, Die Bedingungen des Erfolges im Entwurf von Flugapparaten. Uebersetzt von Rittmeister Warder (Simple title: The conditions of success in the design of aircrafts. Translated by Captain Warder, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Danilewsky, 1900, Ein lenkbarer Flugapparat (Simple title: A dirigible flying machine)
- Vives y Vich, 1905, Spanish provisional programme of balloon observations in the coming total eclipse (Simple title: Spanish provisional programme of balloon observations in the coming total eclipse, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Degeorge, 1906, The Ader 'Avion' (Simple title: The Ader 'Avion', Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Publication 5360, 1906, Der Gordon-Bennett Preis (1) (Simple title: The Gordon-Bennett Prize (1), Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Steichmann, 1907, Hildebrandt's Icelandic observations (Simple title: Hildebrandt's Icelandic observations, Journal: American Aeronaut and Aerostatist • Die Woche)
- Moedebeck, 1907, Pocket-Book of Aeronautics (Simple title: Pocket book of aeronautics, Journal: Pocket Book of Aeronautics)
- Espitallier, 1908, (Uebersetzt von Mck.) Commission permanente internationale d'Aéronautique. Unterkommission für Beschaffung von Wasserstoff zu billigem Preise. Sitzung am 22. Mai 1908 (Simple title: (Translated by Mck.) Commission permanent international d'Aéronautique. Sub-commission for procurement of hydrogen at cheap prices. Meeting on May 22, 1908, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Langley, 1908, The internal work of the wind (5) (Simple title: The internal work of the wind (5), Journal: Contr. Knowl.)
- Kress, 1909, Comment l'oiseau vole et comment l'homme volera (Simple title: How the bird flies and how the man will fly)
- Publication 13431, 1909, A demonstration of how it is practically possible to make a ship, which shall be sustained by the air, and may be moved by either sails or oars, Translation (Simple title: A demonstration of how it is practically possible to make a ship, which shall be sustained by the air, and may be moved by either sails or oars, Translation, Journal: Bulletins of the Aerial Experiment Association)
- Ferber, 1909, Spectacular flying. The opinion of a well-known aeronaut (Simple title: Spectacular flying. The opinion of a well-known aeronaut, Journal: The Aero)
- Abbe, 1910, The mechanics of the earth's atmosphere. A collection of translations. Third collection (Simple title: The mechanics of the earth's atmosphere. A collection of translations. Third collection, Journal: Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections)
- Abramowski, 1910, Latawce (aeroplany) (Simple title: Modern aviation: Fliers (Airplanes). Theory, current state and importance for overall progress.)
- Basenach, 1910, Three systems of dirigible aerostats (Simple title: Three systems of dirigible aerostats)
- Schlomann, 1910, Illustrated Technical Dictionaries (Simple title: Schlomann Series of Illustrated Technical Dictionaries in Six Languages)
- De Valles, 1910, El espacio aéreo y su propiedad (Simple title: The aerial space and its ownership, Journal: Revista de Locomoción Aérea)
- Publication B2p1167e10, 1911, Russian military dirigibles of the Zodiac system (Simple title: Russian military dirigibles of the Zodiac system, Journal: Vestnik Vozdukhoplavaniya • L'Aerophile)
- Publication B2p1167e06, 1911, Russian air-fleet (Simple title: Russian air-fleet, Journal: Vestnik Vozdukhoplavaniya)
- Olavarría y Martínez, 1912, Diccionario téchinco-automovilista y de aeronáutica (Simple title: Diccionario téchinco-automovilista y de aeronáutica)
- Publication B2p0529e07, 1912, The evolution of German aviation. Translated from the Revue Militaire des Armées Étrangères by Captain Charles de F. Chandler (Simple title: The evolution of German aviation. Translated from the Revue Militaire des Armées Étrangères by Captain Charles de F. Chandler, in charge of the U. S. Army Aviation School, Journal: Flying)
- Eiffel, 1913, Eiffel: an English translation (Simple title: Eiffel: an English translation, Journal: Flight)
- D'Arman, 1914, Lexique aéronautique en six langues (Simple title: Lexique aéronautique en six langues)
- Renard, 2865, What constitutes superiority in an airship. An analysis of existing types (Simple title: What constitutes superiority in an airship. An analysis of existing types, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl. • Revue des deux mondes • Smithsonian Institution, Annual Report)