Patent US-1900-654687

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Captive balloon and car running at an incline up and down ropes. ("... an aerial car can be propelled up an inclined ropeway by a balloon and down the same by receiving ballast or reducing the pressure of gas in the balloon.")


Year filed 1899
Year granted 1900
Office US
Patent number 654687
Inventors Heinrich Suter
Inventor country CH
Inventor location
Applicant person
Applicant firm
Applicant type
Applicant is inventor? 1
Original title Aerial Railway
English title Aerial Railway
Tech fields track, captive, LTA
Filing date 1899-05-06
Full specification filed date
Application number
Grant date 1900-07-31
Granted? 1
Publication date
Supplementary to patent Patent CH-1899-18667
Related to aircraft? 1
Serial number
Patent agent Ferdinand Bosshardt
Assigned to
National tech categories USPC 104/22, USPC 188/42, USPC 104/112, USPC 188/43, USPC 104/93
IPCs IPC B61B12/00
CPCs CPC B61B12/005
Family year
First filing?
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID
Number of text pages 1
Number of diagram pages 1
Number of figures 3
Number of claims 2