Patent GB-1917-115768

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Longitudinal planes on an aeroplane at an angle so that propeller airflows interact with them.

  • Inventor location: 1472 Grove Street, San Francisco ; citizen of the US
  • Inventor occupation: Mechanical engineer


Year filed 1917
Year granted 1918
Office GB
Patent number 115768
Inventors Albert Wolff, Jr.
Inventor country US
Inventor location
Applicant person Albert Wolff, Jr.
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? Yes
Original title Improvements in or connected with the Propelling Means of Aeroplanes
English title Improvements to propulsion of aeroplanes
Tech fields propulsion, airplane
Filing date 1917/11/03
Full specification filed date
Application number 1605717
Grant date 1918/05/23
Granted? Yes
Publication date
Supplementary to patent
Related to aircraft? 1
Serial number
Patent agent Harold J. C. Forrester
Assigned to
National tech categories
IPCs IPC B64C39/00
CPCs CPC B64C39/00
Family year 1917
First filing? Yes
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID 21779414
INPADOC family ID 23497300
Number of text pages 2
Number of diagram pages 2
Number of figures 7
Number of claims 4