Patent GB-1916-102620

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Design for a seaplane focused on frame and wing attachment.

  • Convention date 1915-12-06, apparently referring to both Patent US-1915-1223319 and Patent US-1915-1246016. Also cites to Patent GB-1915-15786 also by Curtiss Motor Company.
  • "The Curtiss Motor Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, whose full and only address is Hammondsport, State of New York, United States of America, Aeroplane Manufacturers, Assignees of Glen Hammond Curtiss, of Hammondsport, aforesaid..."
    • "Glen" spelled with one "n" here.


Year filed 1916
Year granted 1919
Office GB
Patent number 102620
Inventors Glenn Hammond Curtiss
Inventor country US
Inventor location
Applicant person
Applicant firm Curtiss Motor Company
Applicant type COMPANY + INDIV
Applicant is inventor?
Original title Improvements in Hydro-aerial Machines
English title Hydro-aerial Machines
Tech fields hydroaeroplane, flying boat, marine, airplane, frame, wings
Filing date 1916-12-06
Full specification filed date
Application number 1754216
Grant date 1919-03-06
Granted? 1
Publication date
Supplementary to patent Patent US-1915-1223319, Patent US-1915-1246016
Related to aircraft? 1
Serial number
Patent agent A. E. White
Assigned to
National tech categories
IPCs IPC B64C35/00
CPCs CPC B64C35/001, CPC B64C35/00
Family year 1915
First filing? 0
Cites these patents Patent GB-1915-15786
Citations from after 1930
Application ID 21832697
INPADOC family ID 10885611
Number of text pages 10
Number of diagram pages 4
Number of figures 17
Number of claims 14