Patent GB-1913-6869

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From abstract: "6869. Thompson, N. A. March 20. Aerial machines with aerostats; aerostats, steering and balancing.-A dirigible air-ship comprises a stream-line gas-body with compartments at each end for the passengers &c. and one or more passages connecting the compartments. The framework consists of a central tapered tube a made of me'al, or strips of wood bound together by hoops, or of layers of wood glued together with fabric in between. A nose band tail cap care connected to the extremities of the tube, and on it are threaded conical partitions f, of varying size stiffened by radial arms g. From cap to cap, over the edges of the partitions f are stretched wires h either true fore and aft or helically and the outside envelope is passed under and over the wires. A trolly p may run oii rails in the tube a, through which may pass pipes and lighting and telephone wires, and at the central part of the tube a vertical passage may communicate with an upper gun platform. The compartments may be divided into floors m, and the propellers may be driven direct from the rear chamber. The lower part of the fabric may be waterproof so that the vessel will float on water. A rigid keel may be fitted. Conning-towers o are provided in each chamber."

  • Aeronautics Works, Middleton, Bognor, in County of Sussex ; Engineer


Year filed 1913
Year granted 1913
Office GB
Patent number 6869
Inventors Norman Arthur Thompson
Inventor country GB
Inventor location Sussex
Applicant person Norman Arthur Thompson
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? 1
Original title Improvements in and relating to Airships
English title Improvements in and relating to Airships
Tech fields LTA
Filing date 1913-03-20
Full specification filed date 1913-09-15
Application number 191306869D
Grant date 1914-01-29
Granted? 1
Publication date
Supplementary to patent
Related to aircraft? 1
Serial number
Patent agent Marks & Clerk
Assigned to
National tech categories
IPCs IPC B64B1/00
CPCs CPC B64B1/00
Family year 1913
First filing? 1
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930 0
Application ID 23648520
INPADOC family ID 11134706
Number of text pages 3
Number of diagram pages 1
Number of figures 2
Number of claims 4