Patent BE-1900-153029

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Patent BE-1900-153029

« Le principe essentiel de cet appareil repose sur un système de roue à ailes. Pour former chaque aile, les rais sont réunis entre eu par une piè d’étoffe ayant la forme d’un triangle rectangle ; ils forment charnière sur leur point d’attache, de manière que les extrémités apposées puissent s’écarter et se rapprocher suivant des plans comprenant l’axe du moyeu. »

“The essential principle of this device is based on a wing wheel system. To form each wing, the spokes are joined together by a piece of cloth having the shape of a right-angled triangle; they form a hinge on their point of attachment, so that the affixed ends can move apart and approach each other along planes including the axis of the hub.”


Year filed 1900
Year granted
Office BE
Patent number 153029
Inventors J.-H. Cultiaux 
Inventor country FR
Applicant person J.-H. Cultiaux
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? 1
Original title Appareil aviateur
English title Aviator device, or Airplane
Tech fields Airplane, Design, Propellers, Fabric
Filing date 1900-11-03
Full specification filed date
Application number
Grant date
Granted? 1
Publication date
Supplementary to patent
Related to aircraft? 1
Serial number
Patent agent
Assigned to
National tech categories BE K
Family year 1900
First filing? 1
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID
Number of text pages
Number of diagram pages
Number of figures
Number of claims