Patent AT-1917-78792
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- Original patent document and bibliography entry on espacenet
- Inventor location: For the most part at present, regarding Reinhold Richter, we are inferring that the inventor was located in Berlin, or particularly at Berlin-Friedenau.
As is often or possibly always the case with Austria, Espacenet is lacking in IPC and CPC Classification data.
Year filed | 1917 |
Year granted | 1919 |
Office | AT |
Patent number | 78792 |
Inventors | Reinhold Richter |
Inventor country | DE |
Inventor location | |
Applicant person | Reinhold Richter |
Applicant firm | |
Applicant type | INDIV |
Applicant is inventor? | Yes |
Original title | Außenhülle für Starrluftschiffe |
English title | Outer shell for rigid airships |
Tech fields | rigid, airship, construction, frame, design |
Filing date | 1917/07/18 |
Full specification filed date | |
Application number | |
Grant date | 1919/04/15 |
Granted? | Yes |
Publication date | 1919/10/25 |
Supplementary to patent | Patent DE-1916-311278 |
Related to aircraft? | Yes |
Serial number | |
Patent agent | |
Assigned to | |
National tech categories | AT 77d |
IPCs | |
CPCs | |
Family year | 1916 |
First filing? | No |
Cites these patents | |
Citations from after 1930 | |
Application ID | |
INPADOC family ID | |
Number of text pages | 2 |
Number of diagram pages | 1 |
Number of figures | 2 |
Number of claims | 2 |