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This wiki has 5 patents in category "Manufacture". Other techtypes related to Manufacture: CPC B27M3/10, CPC D21F11/16
Patents in category Manufacture
- Patent DE-1917-326800 (English title: Process for the manufacture of hollow metal parts of aircraft, Inventors: Gabriel Erich, Filing date: 1917-09-28)
- Patent MX-1884-398 (English title: Procedure for the manufacture of aerostatic balloons, Inventors: Maximino Sánchez y Pérez, Filing date: 1884-11-15)
- Patent FR-1909-402335 (English title: Process for the manufacture of surfaces of propellers, of lift or balance members in aircraft, or of oher surfaces acting on gaseous fluids, Inventors: Adrien Bertin, Filing date: 1909-04-23)
- Patent FR-1911-426594 (English title: Process for the manufacture of airfoils and steering surfaces and other parts of reinforced plywood airplanes, Inventors: Édouard-Eugene Delpit • Louis-Henri Perdereau, Filing date: 1911-02-27)
- Patent GB-1918-119967 (English title: Improvements for manufacturing aeroplane propellers, Inventors: Charles Albert Laing, Filing date: 1918-01-14, Applicant firm: Lang Propeller Limited)
Publications referring to Manufacture
- Lenoir, 1784, Ordonnance de police, qui fait défenses de fabriquer et faire enlever des ballons et autres machines aérostatiques (Simple title: Police Ordinance, which prohibits the manufacture and removal of balloons and other aerostatic machines to which wine-style stoves, fireworks and other materials dangerous to fire would be adapted; and orders that all other aerostatic balloons may not be removed without first obtaining permission. F)
- Publication 7761, 1815, Luftbälle zu verfertigen (Simple title: To manufacture air balloons, Journal: Mech. Mag. Mus. Reg. Journ. Gaz.)
- Wise, 1873, Through the air: a narrative of forty years' experience as an aëronaut (Simple title: Through the air: a narrative of forty years' experience as an aëronaut)
- Publication 7981, 1878, Manufacture of hydrogen gas for the captive balloon at Paris (Simple title: Manufacture of hydrogen gas for the captive balloon at Paris, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Espitallier, 1888, La fabrication rapide de l'hydrogène (Simple title: The rapid manufacture of hydrogen, Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Espitallier, 1888, L'hydrogène et ses applications en aéronautique. La fabrication rapide de l'hydrogène (Simple title: Hydrogen and its applications in aeronautics. The rapid manufacture of hydrogen, Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Espitallier, 1889, L'hydrogène et ses applications en aéronautique. L'emploi de l'électrolyse pour la fabrication de l'hydrogène (Simple title: Hydrogen and its applications in aeronautics. The use of electrolysis for the manufacture of hydrogen, Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Lohmann, 1890, Die Fabrikation der Lacke und Firnisse, eine Anleitung zur Herstellung dieser Produkte sowie zur Prüfung der dabei z. Anwendung kommenden Rohmaterialien (Simple title: The manufacture of lacquers and varnishes, a guide to the manufacture of these products and to the application of coming raw materials)
- Lilienthal, 1894, Allgemeine Gesichtspunkte bei Herstellung und Anwendung von Flugapparaten (Simple title: General aspects in the manufacture and use of aircrafts, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Fonvielle, 1894, Fabrication économique d'un gaz léger tirée de la houille (Simple title: Economical manufacturing of a light gas from coal, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Strindberg, 1896, La fabrication de l'hydrogène pour le ballon de l'expédition polaire de M. Andrée (Simple title: The manufacture of hydrogen for Mr. Andrée's polar expedition balloon, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Dietel, 1900, Die Herstellung der Ballonstoffe (Simple title: The production of balloons, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Castagneris, 1906, La produzione industriale dell' idrogeno per uso aeronautico privato o militare (Simple title: The industrial production of hydrogen for private or military aeronautical use, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Espitallier, 1907, Procédé Howard-Lane pour la fabrication de l'hydrogène à bon marché (Simple title: Howard-Lane process for the manufacture of cheap hydrogen, Journal: Comm. Per. Int. Aér., Proc. Ver. C. R. Trav. Sess. Extr. Ten. Brux.)
- Philos, 1909, La fabrication des hélices aériennes. Une visite aux ateliers de l'A P (Simple title: The manufacture of aerial propellers. A visit to the A P workshops, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Stone, 1914, A visit to the Royal aircraft factory. Where the British Government develops its air scouts (Simple title: A visit to the Royal aircraft factory. Where the British Government develops its air scouts, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- US Department of the Navy, 1915, Navy not to manufacture air craft (Simple title: Navy not to manufacture air craft, Journal: Aerial Age)
- Adams, 1916, Government manufacture of aeroplanes -- a national menace (Simple title: Government manufacture of aeroplanes -- a national menace, Journal: Aerial Age)
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