Louis-Léon Astoux

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Louis-Léon Astoux was an aero inventor and engineer who filed patents from 35 Avenue des Mouineaux, Issy, Seine.[1] He worked with Jules Védrines. He was probably founder of the company D'Astoux et Cie.

Family background: https://gw.geneanet.org/augusta06?lang=en&n=astoux&oc=0&p=louis+leon According to that source, he was born in 1883 in Cannes.

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Louis-Léon Astoux or Louis-Léon D'Astoux


Names Louis-Léon Astoux; Louis-Léon D'Astoux
Countries FR
Locations [[Issy, département Seine]]
Occupations engineer
Tech areas
Affiliations D'Astoux et Cie, Jules Védrines
Family name
Birth date 1883
Death date
Wikidata id