German Balloon Corps

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[Using this page as placeholder until we can ascertain the correct name of the German balloon corps established in 1884. Luftschiffertruppe? ([1])]

The German balloon corps was founded in 1884, its membership overlapping with the Berlin balloon club founded in 1882. It originally consisted of thirty-three men plus four officers, Bucholz, von Tschudi, von Hagen, and Moedebeck. Its base was the Eastern Railway Station in Berlin.[1]


  1. Hildebrandt, 1908, Airships Past and Present, pp. 158–159. (See more of this chapter for further details.

Organization names Luftschiffertruppe
Entity type
Country DE
Locations Berlin
Affiliated with
Started aero 1884
Ended aero
Keywords LTA, military
Key people Hermann W. L. Moedebeck, Herwarth von Bittenfeld, Georg von Tschudi
Wikidata id