Filberto Biagetti

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Filberto Biagetti, or Filberto Biagetti fu Luigi was an aero inventor, whom we have as located in and filing in collaboration with Domenico Micheli.[1]

Biagetti had a number of earlier patents, e.g. on steam engines, listed in the Martinez et al database. He worked with Giuseppe Evangelisti on more than one.[2]

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Filberto Biagetti

  • Patent IT-1909-106138 (English title: Airplane with reversible gear and stable balance longitudinally against a possible vertical drop, Filing date: 1909-12-23)


Names Filberto Biagetti; Filberto Biagetti fu Luigi
Birth date
Death date
Countries IT
Locations Perugia, Italy
Tech areas Airplane, Stability, Whole, hydraulics
Wikidata id