Administrative culture
This is one of many nationally and otherwise variable factors affecting the processing and documentation of particular inventions. This affects our apprehension of all “data”, and, in so far as any fraction of inventors did thorough research into pre-existing patents, there is an effect upon ongoing innovation itself.
The phrase “administrative culture” was generated, on our end, in response to growing indications that there is a relation, though an imperfect one, more per se quantifiable data such as patents filed, by nation and by tech field and so forth. So this latter sort of data is pertinent, and relatively “hard”, and ascertainable, over time and in the process of integrating a wide variety of online and offline resources. The relation of this data to the more abstract “innovation”, and even relative to technology itself, is something to be characterized, and, “determined”, at least relatively speaking.
The principle and theory of “administrative culture”, beyond our own specific and partially responsive needs, has been further elaborated by others.
Particular fields are key to the phenomena of this “culture”: