Hot air
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Hot air, enclosed by a balloon and created typically by an onboard flame, has lower density than the surrounding air and can therefore cause a vessel to rise.
The Frères Montgolfier are considered to have begun the balloon age in 1783 by flying in such a vessel, which type then became known as a montgolfière.
In 1709 Bartolomeu Lourenço de Gusmão demonstrated a small hot-air balloon at the Portuguese court.
In one instance, heated ballooning air was called air dilaté, i.e. expanded air.
Enclosing categories | LTA |
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Keywords | Gas |
Start year | 1709 |
End year |
This wiki has 0 patents in category "Hot air".
Other techtypes related to Hot air: CPC B64B1/40
Publications referring to Hot air
- Cayley, 1843, Retrospect of the progress of aërial navigation and demonstration of the principles by which it must be governed (Simple title: Retrospect of the progress of aërial navigation and demonstration of the principles by which it must be governed, Journal: Mech. Mag. Mus. Reg. Journ. Gaz.)
- Motard, 1874, Étude sur le Montgolfières (Simple title: Montgolfiere hot air balloon study, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Coxwell, 1885, Hot-air and gas balloons (Simple title: Hot-air and gas balloons, Journal: Engineering)
- Vialardi, 1896, Il primo pallone aerostatico costrutto in Italia (Simple title: The first hot-air balloon built in Italy, Journal: L'Aeronauta)
- Sébillot, 1902, Mémoire sur les navires aériens à air dilaté (Simple title: Memorandum on dilated-air vessels, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Graffigny, 1905, Der Heissluftballon (Simple title: The hot air balloon, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Publication 6280, 1906, Hot-air ballooning (Simple title: Hot-air ballooning, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Feldhaus, 1906, Der Warmluftballon, eine Deutsche Erfindung des Mittelalters (Simple title: The hot air balloon, a German invention of the Middle Ages, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Stauber, 1907, Technology of gases (Simple title: Technology of gases, Journal: Pocket Book of Aeronautics)
- Godard, 1908, Montgolfières militaires. Nouveau système de gonflement par air chaud (Simple title: Military hot air balloons. New hot air inflation system, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Godard, 1908, Montgolfières militaires. (Aérostation.) (Simple title: Military hot air balloons. (Aérostation.), Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Publication B2p0921e01, 1911, The hot air balloon of the twentieth century. The revival of the Montgolfier (Simple title: The hot air balloon of the twentieth century. The revival of the Montgolfier, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Atherholt, 1913, Ballooning remains Sport of kings (Simple title: Ballooning remains Sport of kings, Journal: Fly)
- Hodgson, 1924, History of Aeronautics in Great Britain (Simple title: The History of Aeronautics in Great Britain)
Publications referring to hot air
- Cayley, 1843, Retrospect of the progress of aërial navigation and demonstration of the principles by which it must be governed (Simple title: Retrospect of the progress of aërial navigation and demonstration of the principles by which it must be governed, Journal: Mech. Mag. Mus. Reg. Journ. Gaz.)
- Motard, 1874, Étude sur le Montgolfières (Simple title: Montgolfiere hot air balloon study, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Coxwell, 1885, Hot-air and gas balloons (Simple title: Hot-air and gas balloons, Journal: Engineering)
- Vialardi, 1896, Il primo pallone aerostatico costrutto in Italia (Simple title: The first hot-air balloon built in Italy, Journal: L'Aeronauta)
- Sébillot, 1902, Mémoire sur les navires aériens à air dilaté (Simple title: Memorandum on dilated-air vessels, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Graffigny, 1905, Der Heissluftballon (Simple title: The hot air balloon, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Publication 6280, 1906, Hot-air ballooning (Simple title: Hot-air ballooning, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Feldhaus, 1906, Der Warmluftballon, eine Deutsche Erfindung des Mittelalters (Simple title: The hot air balloon, a German invention of the Middle Ages, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Stauber, 1907, Technology of gases (Simple title: Technology of gases, Journal: Pocket Book of Aeronautics)
- Godard, 1908, Montgolfières militaires. Nouveau système de gonflement par air chaud (Simple title: Military hot air balloons. New hot air inflation system, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Godard, 1908, Montgolfières militaires. (Aérostation.) (Simple title: Military hot air balloons. (Aérostation.), Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Publication B2p0921e01, 1911, The hot air balloon of the twentieth century. The revival of the Montgolfier (Simple title: The hot air balloon of the twentieth century. The revival of the Montgolfier, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Atherholt, 1913, Ballooning remains Sport of kings (Simple title: Ballooning remains Sport of kings, Journal: Fly)
- Hodgson, 1924, History of Aeronautics in Great Britain (Simple title: The History of Aeronautics in Great Britain)