Patent US-1918-1435190
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- "This invention relates to heavier than air flying machines." Objectives:
- provide a practical flying machine adapted to a use and operation not possible with the aeroplane form of flying machine now in common use.
- requiring less floor space for storage, for starting ascent, and for landing
- direct ascent and descent so as to allow an aviator to rise without having to use a horizontal running space in starting ascent
- enable the aviator to hover in the air over any selected spot on the surface of the earth for the purpose of protracted and accurate observation
- hover over marine expanses likely to be infested with hostile submarines, so that more careful observation maybe made than is possible with the aeroplane which can keep aloft only by rapid flight
- enable the aviator to more accurately direct depth bombs to the destruction of submarine craft discovered while hovering in the air, it being calculated that by having command of a flying machine, thus remaining relatively stationary, an aviator may more accurately determine the point at which the depth bomb will enter the water, and therefore will be able to attack the submarine with accuracy and effectiveness.
- construct a flying machine which may be practically invisible from the earth when at a height above its surface so as to afford protection to the aviator and the flying machine, against the attack of anti-aircraft guns.
- provide simple and effective means whereby the direct ascent aircraft may be guided at the will of the aviator
- safe and slow descent of the aircraft in case of engine trouble or stoppage of the propeller
- enable large quantities of high explosives to be safely conveyed to points above submarine and naval bases of the enemy, so that the vessels at such bases may be destroyed
- make it possible to safely attack hostile inland fortifications, bodies of troops and depots of munitions and supplies, an also railroad centers, and thereby to disarm the enemy.
- This invention is basic, broadly new and pioneer in that this flying machine comprises a base, a deck above the base, a frame rigidly connecting the base and deck and separating the same from each other to form a chamber or compartment for an aviator, and is provided with a propeller mounted above the deck and connected thereto to support it; propelled by means under the control of the aviator within the chamber below the deck.
- provides parachute means out of the way of the aviator and normally folded to minimize air resistance and adapted and arranged to come into action to support the flying machine in case of engine trouble.
- Other broad, basic and pioneer features reside in the construction and arrangement of the mechanism whereby the avator may change the angular relation of the propeller to the axis of' the suspended frame so as to enable the aviator to easily give desired direction to the flying machine and to quickly change such direction to` any point of the compass.
- Aluminum, steel, various fabrics and other materials may be employed in constructing the machine to secure the usual advantages of the best practice in aircraft construction and that radial, rotary cylinder and other types of motors may be employed, and the invention is not limited to specific materials or forms of motors.
- The invention may be carried out in various ways and with various forms of propeller and it is understood that the form of propeller to be employed and the speed with which it will be driven will be determined by the best aeronautical practice and no attempt will be made herein to illustrate the specific form of propeller which may, in practice, be found best adapted to the work.
- provide for positive opening of the parachute at the will of the aviator and to insure against careening and overturning on the parachute descent.
- This invention is adapted to be carried out with various forms of motors and supporting frames and will be illustrated as embodied With two forms of motor and with a mounting of one of said forms together with the propeller above the deck and the other of said forms below the deck above which the propeller is mounted.
- provide simple and practical means for steering and stabilizing the flying machine, and although it is not intended to limit the invention to a specific means for steering the flying machine, especial-attention has been directed toward steering the flying machine by making the propeller dirigible, and this has been effected by connecting the motor in a determined angular relation to the axis of the propeller and providing means for moving the propeller and motor simultaneously into the same angular relation with the frame of the machine.
- Tech class CPC B64C27/28: Compound rotorcraft, i.e. aircraft using in flight the features of both aeroplane and rotorcraft with forward-propulsion propellers pivotable to act as lifting rotors
- Inventor location: "formerly of Batavia, Java, (now) residing at 2405 West Sixth Street, Los Angeles, California"; a subject of the Queen of the Netherlands
- Signed off by inventor 26 Dec 1917 -- about ten days before filing date recognized by the US Patent Office
Patent family descending from Patent US-1918-1435190
- Patent US-1918-1435190 (English title: Direct-ascent flying machine, Filing date: 1918-01-05, National tech categories: USPC 244/17.15)
- Patent GB-1918-122164 (English title: Improvements in and relating to Air-craft of the Helicopter Type, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1918-1435190, Filing date: 1918-04-03)
- Patent 1435190 document and bibliographic info on espacenet
- Patent 1435190 at google patents
Year filed | 1918 |
Year granted | 1922 |
Office | US |
Patent number | 1435190 |
Inventors | Pieter Barteld Van Leggelo |
Inventor country | US, NL |
Inventor location | |
Applicant person | Pieter Barteld Van Leggelo |
Applicant firm | |
Applicant type | INDIV |
Applicant is inventor? | 1 |
Original title | Direct-ascent flying machine |
English title | Direct-ascent flying machine |
Tech fields | helicopter |
Filing date | 1918-01-05 |
Full specification filed date | |
Application number | 21079218 |
Grant date | 1922-11-14 |
Granted? | 1 |
Publication date | |
Supplementary to patent | |
Related to aircraft? | 1 |
Serial number | 210792 |
Patent agent | James R. Townsend |
Assigned to | |
National tech categories | USPC 244/17.15 |
IPCs | IPC B64C27/28, PC B64C27/00 |
CPCs | CPC B64C27/28, CPC B64C2700/629 |
Family year | 1918 |
First filing? | 1 |
Cites these patents | |
Citations from after 1930 | 5 |
Application ID | 48686316 |
INPADOC family ID | 44359799 |
Number of text pages | 5 |
Number of diagram pages | 5 |
Number of figures | 14 |
Number of claims | 9 |