Patent US-1909-980753

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Main body of vessel is two tapered cylindrical containers along with car; propellers on universal joints can be raised, lowered, moved side to side, etc.; cylinders connected by channel to equalize pressure; additional balloon may be inflated only for takeoff.


Year filed 1909
Year granted 1911
Office US
Patent number 980753
Inventors William Jefferson Davis Bradford
Inventor country US
Inventor location Killeen, Texas, Bell county, Texas, Texas
Applicant person William J. D. Bradford
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? 1
Original title Airship
English title Airship
Tech fields LTA, navigation, rudder, propeller, wheels, car, takeoff, mooring, balloon
Filing date 1909-08-07
Full specification filed date
Application number 1909511750
Grant date 1911-01-03
Granted? 1
Publication date
Supplementary to patent
Related to aircraft? 1
Serial number 511750
Patent agent Lacey, unclear
Assigned to
National tech categories
CPCs CPC B64B1/00
Family year 1909
First filing? 1
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930 0
Application ID
Number of text pages 3
Number of diagram pages 3
Number of figures 4
Number of claims 3