Patent FR-1867-77550

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From Lilienthal museum page, google-translated to English, and condensed:

Deltaflügler with reactive drive
The aircraft had a triangular wing with small extension and an angle of 45 degrees. "The wing is made up of little framework connected with poles, the frame and the poles must be stable in iron or any other metal ... On this frame ... the canvas is stretched ... The wings can also be stretched with this frame The body of the apparatus or airship is made up of rods of iron or other similar metals connected by rivets, the outer surface of the body is covered with canvas or similar fabric, and the rudders are also made of frames, of iron or similar The cladding of the frame is similar to that of the wings." The oars act by means of a transmission at the end of the airship. To reduce the face resistance in flight, the inventor saw corresponding noses on the fuselage and wing leading edge in a pointed shape.
The apparatus should be powered by a pulsating, reactive engine with liquid fuel. It should have low weight and great economy. The idea can be described as the prototype of the later pulsating reactive engine. The start was on wheels and rails or with the help of a loosening car thought.
See French patent no. 77550, 1867 ; Source: Source 1, p. 99 ; Research: Seifert
  • Inventor location: Paris (24, rue de Dunkerque, Seine) ; Russian Imperial Artillery Captain / Lawyer
  • Brevet d'invention de 15 ans


Year filed 1867
Year granted 1867
Office FR
Patent number 77550
Inventors Nicholas de Telescheff, Michniewicz
Inventor country FR
Inventor location
Applicant person
Applicant firm
Applicant type
Applicant is inventor? Yes
Original title Système perfectionné de navigation aérienne
English title Delta wing with reaction drive
Tech fields
Filing date 1867
Full specification filed date
Application number
Grant date August 17, 1867
Granted? Yes
Publication date
Supplementary to patent
Related to aircraft?
Serial number
Patent agent
Assigned to Thenen
National tech categories FR 5
Family year
First filing? No
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID
Number of text pages
Number of diagram pages
Number of figures
Number of claims