Subject-matter Index of Patents for Invention, France, 1791-1876 Inclusive
U.S. Patent Office. Subject-matter Index of Patents for Invention, France, 1791-1876 Inclusive. 1883. Washington: Government Printing Office.
Available at U.S. PTO library, indexed thus: T 271 .D 1883 Copy 1
This book gives many names and years of French patents. They wanted to classify them, perhaps as American patents were classified, so as to make the French works useful to American inventors or to identify previous practice more effectively.
In some cases, in which we have English-language summary titles from this source, with or without an "original title", I have used quotation marks, thusly as "...*", in accordance with a protocol within this publication.
The text is online here:
Original title | Subject-matter Index of Patents for Invention, France, 1791-1876 Inclusive |
Simple title | Subject-matter Index of Patents for Invention, France, 1791-1876 |
Authors | U.S. Patent Office |
Date | 1883 |
Countries | US, FR |
Languages | us |
Keywords | patents, France, patent classification |
Journal | |
Related to aircraft? | 0 |
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