Patent AU-1911-199

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The CPC categories here are copied from GB patent information filed at the same time, and plainly the same stuff although we don't see the originals. This patent seems sure to be supplementary substantively to the simultaneous filings in other countries.

IP Australia web site lists last name as "Lamberth" but other sources overwhelmingly say "Lamburth"

The official Australian patents journal puts this patent in a technological classification of 90.3, where 90 refers to "Wind and Flying Machines."

  • Inventor location: probably San Francisco


Year filed 1911
Year granted 1912
Office AU
Patent number 199
Inventors Cassius Edward Lamburth
Inventor country US
Inventor location
Applicant person Cassius Edward Lamburth
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? Yes
Original title Aeroplane
English title Aeroplane
Tech fields airplane
Filing date 1911/01/27
Full specification filed date
Application number 199/11
Grant date 1912/02/13
Granted? Yes
Publication date
Supplementary to patent Patent US-1910-996592
Related to aircraft? 1
Serial number
Patent agent
Assigned to
National tech categories AU 90.3
IPCs IPC B64C39/00
CPCs CPC B64C39/00, CPC B64C2700/6295
Family year 1910
First filing? No
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID
Number of text pages
Number of diagram pages
Number of figures
Number of claims