John Law Garsed

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John Law Garsed was a British aero inventor whom initial British patent data has as a Gentleman located at North House, Elland, County of York.[1]

We have him in 1915, still as a "Gentleman," located at Heath Dene, Elland, County of York.[2]

It appears he focused on wings and rudders.


Patents whose inventor or applicant is John Law Garsed

  • Patent GB-1906-20952 (English title: Improvements in Aerial Machines, Filing date: 1906-09-21)
  • Patent GB-1906-23036 (English title: Improvements in Wings, Vanes, or Propellers for Aerial Machines, Filing date: 1906-10-18)
  • Patent GB-1906-23037 (English title: Improvements in method of and means employed for propelling and steering Aerial Machines, Filing date: 1906-10-18)
  • Patent GB-1906-24122 (English title: Improvements in Aeroplanes or Aerostats, Filing date: 1906-10-30)
  • Patent GB-1906-24489 (English title: Improvements in Aeroplanes or Aerostats, Filing date: 1906-11-02)
  • Patent GB-1907-9594 (English title: Improvements in the Method of and Means Employed for Propelling and Steering Aerial Machines, Filing date: 1907-04-25)
  • Patent FR-1908-382190 (English title: Aviator, Filing date: 1907-09-24)
  • Patent GB-1908-1035 (English title: Improvements in or connected to with aerial machines, Filing date: 1908-01-16)
  • Patent GB-1908-12013 (English title: Stabilization device for steering aerial machines, Filing date: 1908-06-03)
  • Patent GB-1908-7666 (English title: Improvements in the Method of and Means Employed for Steering and Balancing Aerial Machines, Filing date: 1908-06-03)
  • Patent GB-1908-23104 (English title: Folding aeroplane wings, Filing date: 1908-10-30)
  • Patent GB-1908-23316 (English title: Improvements in aerial machines, Filing date: 1908-11-02)
  • Patent GB-1908-23492 (English title: Improvements in Apparatus for Operating Planes Wings or Rudders of Aerial Machines, Filing date: 1908-11-17)
  • Patent GB-1908-24682 (English title: Improvements in Aeroplanes Wings or Gliders, Filing date: 1908-11-17)
  • Patent FR-1909-398445 (English title: Improvements to aeroplanes, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1908-1035, Filing date: 1909-01-12)
  • Patent GB-1909-17307 (English title: Improvements in or connected with Regulators, Filing date: 1909-07-26)
  • Patent GB-1909-25394 (English title: Improvements in Apparatus for Operating Planes or Wings and Rudders of Aerial Machines, Filing date: 1909-11-04)
  • Patent US-1909-965289 (English title: Apparatus for operating planes or wings and rudders of aerial machines, Filing date: 1909-11-11)
  • Patent GB-1909-29716 (English title: Improvements in Apparatus for Operating Planes or Wings and Rudders of Aerial Machines, Filing date: 1909-12-20)
  • Patent GB-1910-21059 (English title: Improvements in Aerial Machines, Filing date: 1910-04-15)
  • Patent GB-1911-2557 (English title: Improvements in Apparatus for Operating Planes or Wings and Rudders of Aerial Machines, Filing date: 1911-02-01)
  • Patent GB-1911-20572 (English title: An Improved Treadle Control for Aerial Machines, Filing date: 1911-09-18)
  • Patent GB-1913-6974 (English title: Improvements in or relating to Flying Machines, Filing date: 1913-03-22)
  • Patent GB-1913-7998 (English title: Means for Controlling and Operating Planes or Wings, Rudders and other Parts of Flying Machines, Filing date: 1913-04-05)
  • Patent FR-1914-474651 (English title: Improvements to the methods and apparatus used to control and navigate the planes, wings, rudders and other parts of flying machines, Filing date: 1914-07-04)
  • Patent GB-1915-9719 (English title: Improvements in the Method of and Means Employed for Controlling and Operating Planes and Wings, Rudders and other parts of Flying Machines, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1914-474651, Filing date: 1915-07-03)

Publications by or about John Law Garsed

Names John Law Garsed
Countries GB
Locations Elland, County of York, Yorkshire
Occupations Gentleman
Tech areas Wings, rudders
Family name
Birth date
Death date
Wikidata id