James J. Pennington to Eugene F. Falconnet 19-Feb-1883

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"I am sure," he wrote to Falconnet in 1883, "I have the Aerial Bird. He had, he said, "the power to go & to guide right & left and up and down & thats all a Buzzard has or any other fowel[] I can cross the briney deepe & plane the North Pole and conquer the world and will stop all Wars." But, he sadly admitted, "I have the Bird but have not the money to put up an Air Ship. . " Pennington's vision of the universal peace which he would be able to force upon the world did not blind him, however, to the fact that "there is millions" in aerial navigation. (Swint & Mohler, 1962)


  • H. L. Swint and D. E. Mohler, "Eugene F. Falconnet, Soldier, Engineer, Inventor", Tennessee Historical Quarterly, September 1962.
Sender James J. Pennington
Recipient Eugene F. Falconnet
Date sent 19-Feb-1883
From location
To location
Communication type letter
Language en
Refers to flight? 1
Tech fields LTA, jet, finance, birds
Length (in words)
Full text available