Giovanni Celoria

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Giovanni Celoria (29 January 1842 – 17 August 1920) was director of the Osservatorio astronomico di Brera in Milan. He made contributions to astronomy including studies on the distribution of stars in space.[1]

He was prominent in the aeronautical world as the host of the International Aeronautical Congress of 1906.

He is mentioned in connection with a possible congress on aerial locomotion to be held during a Verona exhibition in 1910.[2]

Wikimedia Commons sources to Celoria a book called Tre anni di aviazione nella brughiera di Somma Lombardo, with some associated images, (e.g.) but it's difficult to track down elsewhere (and Worldcat doesn't list him as an author.


  1. Antonella Testa, "Celoria, Giovanni", Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, ed. Hockey, Trimble, Williams, et al, 2007; p. 213.
  2. "Notes", Nature, 14 April 1914, p. 196.
