Pierre Moreaud
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Pierre Moreaud was an aero inventor, a medical doctor, Tocane-Saint-Apre (Dordogne).
This person had 2 publications and 1 patents in this database.
Patents whose inventor or applicant is Pierre Moreaud
- Patent FR-1859-40406 (English title: Balloon Aerostatic Apparatus, Filing date: 1859-03-31)
Publications by or about Pierre Moreaud
- Moreaud, 1861, Chemins aériens (Simple title: Aerial tracks)
- Moreaud, 1863, Chemins aériens. Application de la vapeur à la direction des aérostats captifs (Simple title: Aerial paths. Application of steam to the direction of captive aerostats)
http://bases-brevets19e.inpi.fr/index.asp?page=rechercheAvancee http://bases-brevets19e.inpi.fr/Thot/FrmFicheDoc.asp?idfiche=0170182&refFiche=0103064