Page values for "Patent FR-1913-456080"
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"Patents" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Allowed values | Value |
Year_filed | Date | 1913 | |
Year_granted | Date | 1913 | |
Office | Page | FR | |
Patent_number | String | 456080 | |
Inventors | List of Page, delimiter: ; | José-Luis Sanchez-Besa | |
Inventor_country | List of Page, delimiter: ; | FR | |
Applicant_person | List of Page, delimiter: ; | José-Luis Sanchez-Besa | |
Applicant_type | List of String, delimiter: ; | INDIV | |
Applicant_is_inventor | Boolean | Yes | |
Original_title | String | Perfectionnements apportés aux moyens à faire comporter, en vue de leur mise sous tension, aux haubans tels, notamment, que ceux qu'on fait généralement comprendre aux aéroplanes et engins analogues | |
English_title | String | Improvements to the means of tensioning the shrouds used on aeroplanes and similar craft. | |
Filing_date | Date | 1913-03-28 | |
Application_number | String | 456080D | |
Grant_date | Date | 1913-06-09 | |
Granted | Boolean | Yes | |
Publication_date | Date | 1913-08-16 | |
Supplementary_to_patent | List of Page, delimiter: ; | Patent BE-30-mars-1912 | |
Related_to_aircraft | String | 1 · 0.5 · 0 | 1 |
Patent_agent | Page | Weismann et Marx | |
National_tech_categories | List of Page, delimiter: ; | FR 6.4 | |
IPCs | List of Page, delimiter: ; | IPC B64C3/00 | |
CPCs | List of Page, delimiter: ; | CPC B64C3/00 • CPC B64C2700/6235 | |
Family_year | Date | 1912 | |
First_filing | Boolean | No | |
Cites_these_patents | List of Page, delimiter: ; | Belgique 232567 1 Fev 1911 | |
Citations_from_after_1930 | Integer | 0 | |
Application_ID | String | 19274191 | |
INPADOC_family_ID | String | 5342709 | |
Number_of_text_pages | Integer | 3 | |
Number_of_claims | Integer | 1 | |
Number_of_diagram_pages | Integer | 1 | |
Number_of_figures | Integer | 5 |