Van Dulken, 1999

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  • Stephen van Dulken. 1999. British Patents of Invention, 1617-1977: A Guide for Researchers. The British Library. 211 pages. In econterms's possession.
  • A superbly helpful, clear, and direct work.

Reviewed by Christine MacLeod in Technology and Culture, April 2001, here. She writes: "Seven chapters clearly explain the historical background of the patent system and legislation, the patenting procedure, the specification, people in the patent system, and how to search for a patent by number, name, and subject. A substantial appendix alerts researchers to the holdings of the British Library, the Patent Office, the Public Record Office, and selected libraries in Britain and overseas."

Van Dulken helpfully blogged some of the details, giving his own title as Patents Documentation Manager, at The British Library. He refers to the Patents Information Network (PIN). He writes: "An 1852 patent act reformed the complicated and expensive patent systems. The three separate systems for Ireland, Scotland and England/Wales were unified into a single system operating from a new patent office located in the heart of London’s legal district. This was almost purely a registration system ... " And that the Patent office library became part of the British Library: "Until 1964, the library acted as a division of the Patent Office, but it later became part of the British Museum Library. . . [In] early 1999 when it all moved into a new, modern brick British Library building".

First notes on the text itself
  • p. ix: major changes in UK patent system in 1977.
  • "I am a patents librarian", not an examiner, agent, applicant, etc
  • p.x definition of SRIS, the home of UK patent library documentation until 1999
  • p.xi big change after 1915: starting in 1916 the patents had numbers in sequence that did not reset to 0 from year to year
  • p.3 14,359 patents up to/thru 1852
  • p.4: location on Southampton, near bankruptcy and lunacy offices
  • opponents of a GB patent system: the younger Brunel, and Walter Bagehot
  • p.19: recommends for more info the publications of T. Terrell and Davenport

Original title British Patents of Invention, 1617-1977: A Guide for Researchers
Simple title British Patents of Invention, 1617-1977: A Guide for Researchers
Authors Stephen van Dulken
Date 1999
Countries GB
Languages en
Keywords Patent Office Library, Intellectual Property Office, British Museum Library, British Library
Related to aircraft? 0
Page count 211
Word count
Wikidata id