Patent US-1910-973632

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The patent shows two parallel aeroplanes, covered in canvas; “The essential feature of my invention consists in combining two planes disposes as aforesaid, each plane having a straight transverse front end and gradually and uniformly increased in width toward its rear end, and at the same time having a uniformly increased cross-sectional curvature in corresponding direction.”; “central longitudinal beam”; hinged rudder; three propellers, at different angles; single wheel.

  • Inventor location: McGraw, Cortland county, NY (FIPSloc=36023, imputed by HistPat)
  • Assignee Meltzer location: Binghamton, Broome county, NY (FIPSloc=36007, imputed by HistPat)


Year filed 1910
Year granted 1910
Office US
Patent number 973632
Inventors John M. Davis
Inventor country US
Applicant person John M. Davis, Clarence A Meltzer
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? No
Original title Aeroplane
English title Aeroplane
Tech fields airplane, airfoil, rudder, propeller, frame, wheels
Filing date January 31, 1910
Full specification filed date
Application number 1910540955
Grant date October 25, 1910
Granted? Yes
Publication date
Supplementary to patent
Related to aircraft? Yes
Serial number 540955
Patent agent
Assigned to John M. Davis, Clarence A Meltzer
National tech categories USPC 244/87, USPC 244/35R
CPCs CPC B64C3/14
Family year 1910
First filing? Yes
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID 47369054
Number of text pages
Number of diagram pages 2
Number of figures 4
Number of claims