Patent US-1902-745953

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  • Gearing "especially adapted to utilize the principles broadly enunciated by me in my former application, Serial No.79,624, filed October 23, 1901."
  • Tech classes CPC F16H1/222 Toothed gearings for conveying rotary motion ... ; CPC B64C27/12 Rotor drives; CPC Y10T74/19112 Aligned gears with plural paths from a single power source
  • Inventor location: Newark, Essex county, NJ (FIPSloc=34013, imputed by HistPat)
  • Applicant/assignees: Assigned one-half to Benjamin Atha, H. G. Atha, H. B. Atha, and C. G. Atha, all of Newark
  • Refers to multiple earlier patents by serial number, which in certain particulars seems be a US-specific technique to refer to patent applications and even those which have been granted. We are documenting variations upon these particulars.
  • This specification has equations. Template:Equations
  • Witnesses as shown on the diagram pages: Allan Foose and J. C. Delaney
  • Witnesses as shown on the final text page: H. M. Seamans and T. C. Delaney


Year filed 1902
Year granted 1903
Office US
Patent number 745953
Inventors John Hall Barnard
Inventor country US
Applicant person John Hall Barnard, Benjamin Atha, H. G. Atha, H. B. Atha, C. G. Atha
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? No
Original title Apparatus for transmitting power
English title Apparatus for transmitting power
Tech fields transmission
Filing date 1902/03/08
Full specification filed date
Application number 1902097277
Grant date 1903/12/01
Granted? Yes
Publication date
Supplementary to patent
Related to aircraft? 1
Serial number 97277
Patent agent Duell, Megrath, and Neufield ?
Assigned to Benjamin Atha, H. G. Atha, H. B. Atha, C. G. Atha
National tech categories
CPCs CPC Y10T74/19112, CPC F16H1/222, CPC B64C27/12
Family year 1902
First filing? Yes
Cites these patents Patent US-1901-Barnard, Patent US-Serial No. 79624
Citations from after 1930 1
Application ID 46836551
INPADOC family ID 43652679
Number of text pages 7
Number of diagram pages 4
Number of figures 9
Number of claims 30