Chadeau, 1987

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This work appears to have been published under two titles:

  • Emmanuel Chadeau. 1987. L'industrie aéronautique en France 1900-1950, de Blériot à Dassault. Paris, Fayard.
  • Emmanuel Chadeau. 1987. De Blériot à Dassault: Histoire de l'industrie aéronautique en France, 1900-1950. Fayard. 552 pages.
  • The book was reviewed here:

Here is a significant table to cite from this work. Chadeau (1987, p. 435) estimated the numbers of aircraft and aircraft engines manufactured in France in the early years of the industry. Rapid growth followed. See graph in next section.

Prior to the first world war, there was already a new industry, which grew quickly. During the war, manufacturing increased a lot but exports did not. I think the manufacturers who made the most were Gnome and Rhône, Clerget and Anzani.

French version

These sentences about it were written by Peter for a French class, le 23 juin 2011, drawing from Chadeau, 1987. There was more in that original table.

Chadeau (1987, p. 435) a estimé les nombres d'avions et de moteurs d'avions fabriqués en France dans les premières années de l'industrie. La croissance rapide suivie.

Année Avions produits
en France
Avions exportés
de la France
Moteurs d'avions
Moteurs d'avions
1909 57 20 95 50
1910 92 22 270 100
1911 147 33 540 300
1912 316 91 1050 600
1913 411 125 1580 1000
1914 796 85 2355 1100
1915 5111 635 8090 1000
1916 7793 241 17683 800

On observe:

  • Avant de la première Guerre Mondiale, il y avait déjà une industrie nouvelle, qui fait la croissance rapidement.
  • Pendant la guerre, la fabrication a augmenté beaucoup mais l’export n’augmenté pas.

Je pense que les moteurs sont fabriqué sur les marques de Gnôme et Rhône, Clerget, et Anzani principalement.

scattered handwritten notes

  • PBM wrote: pages 11-78 are mostly relevant to <1910. p78 says La Ligne Nationale Aerienne fondee en 1908. (maybe by freres Michelin et de Lazare Weiller)
  • Also by Chadeau: Filieres ...: l'aeroplane en France jusqu-en 1908, in Annee Sociologique (journal) 1986
  • should copy pp 435-445 and 535-551
  • in Le reve et la puissance: l'avion et son siecle, 1996. Libarie Artheme Fayard. pp 19-65 are mostly relevant to <1910; coyp 423-435.
  • remove this section when its agenda has been taken into account

Original title L'industrie aéronautique en France 1900-1950, de Blériot à Dassault
Simple title The aviation industry in France, 1900-1950, from Blériot to Dassault
Authors Emmanuel Chadeau
Date 1987
Countries FR
Languages fr
Keywords Blériot, Dassault, history
Related to aircraft? 1
Page count 552
Word count
Wikidata id