Canadian Patent Office Record
The Canadian Patent Office Record printed the claims and selected illustrations from patents issued by the patent office of Canada. Published in Ottawa.
Seems to contain alphabetical indexes for title and author, but not subject indexes.
After a certain time (I think sometime in the 1880s) the Record contains date granted and date filed. Before this point one date is given and its status is a little murky. Patent CA-1881-13781 and Patent CA-1881-13781 seem to be issued (and numbered) based on the date filed (December 2, 1881) and granted (or published) in January 1882. Yet in the case of Patent CA-1893-42224 the date in both places is March 1883. In any case the time between filing and granting at the Canadian office was short.
Volumes from 1873–1922 are available on HathiTrust.