These are often suggested as hypothetical options, with principles following along phraseological lines such as "two or more", German "Zwei- oder …"[1], though triplanes, per se, are sometimes named as such and-or depicted in diagrams.
Lift surface principles, applicable to monoplanes, and biplanes, and triplanes, are sometimes explored as such. We have a "Aéroplane à plans multiples où chaque plan travaille d'une façon indépendante", the original document of which suggests other titles, such as "Bi-tri-plan" and "Multimonoplan".[2] In such a case as this, lift principles, applicable to the monoplane, are in effect, and-or in theory, multiplied in their efficacy.
This wiki has 0 patents in category "Triplane".
Publications referring to Triplane
- André, 1908, De la stabilité des aéroplanes. Le multiplan de M. d'André (Simple title: The stability of airplanes. The multiplane of M. d'André, Journal: La Rev. Aviat.)
- Publication 956, 1909, At Morris Park (Simple title: At Morris Park. Flyers which will be on hand for the spring exhibition, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Hunsaker, 1916, Aerodynamical properties of the triplane (Simple title: Aerodynamical properties of the triplane, Journal: Flight)
- Cañellas, 1909, Notables experimentos de Aviación (Simple title: Notable experiments in aviation, verified by captain Cañellas, Journal: Revista de Locomoción Aérea)
See also:
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