Rudolphe Soreau

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Rudolphe Soreau was an aero inventor, with occupation -- and location --.

We have little on Rodolphe Soreau other than the data pertaining to the publications below and that in 1927, he, along with Robert Esnault-Pelterie, Henri Chrétien, J.-H. Rosny aîné, Charles Maurain, Jean Perrin, Léon Gaumont, Général Gustave Ferrié, Eugène Fichot and Émile Belot were members of the "Comité pour la promotion des voyages dans l’espace".[1] Likewise, in 1928, he served on a similar committee having to do with the honoring of Gustave Eiffel. Other luminaries serving on this committee included Charles Édouard Guillaume.[2]

Publications by or about Rudolphe Soreau


Birth date
Death date
Tech areas
Wikidata id

Publications by or about Rudolphe Soreau

Publications by or about Rodolphe Soreau

Publications referring to Rodolphe Soreau