NL 62

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This is the most broadly inclusive aero-applicable "Klasse", within the antique Dutch system, broad to the extent that it not only includes subsystems and so forth, within the airplane, for instance, but that it may attempt at including everything pertinent both to aviation and to LTA. By necessity, then, virtually every aero patent not only may, but perhaps definitely will, be further classified into its proper "Groep". We will therefore have a patent classified as NL 62.7, or NL 62.15, and so forth. That is, "Klasse 62." may appear on every Dutch aero patent, though it may be invariably accompanied by a "Groep __" subcategory.

Crucial to remember in the case of this patent classification is that the Dutch data applies the antique "Klasse 62" retroactively(with the proper "Klasse 62. Groep _" being fully displayed on the original), in a manner bridging the antique Dutch IdT classification with contemporary (to us) Espacenet IPC-based manners of data collation. That is, it will be extraordinarily handy in terms of our finding contemporaneous Dutch aero-patents, unlike Espacenet, seemingly, though it will be via Espacenet that we, after the fact, gather more proper antique patent classification and other data. The properly antique classification will quite often, or nearly always, if not actually always, be a sub-classification of 62.

Strictly speaking, these facts do not negate NL 62 as a "national patent classification" per se.

It simply seems that the Netherlanders, in the digital era, are employing a classification, reflective of the nation's antique and analogue prototcols, streamlining or broadening its usage, based on the technology in question, and using it as part of an interface with Espacenet and other EPO usage of the "IPC" system.

IdT or IDT, that is "Indeling der Techniek"("Classification of Technology") 62 was initially found by way of a Dutch-language-based investigation into the BPP eRegister ( of the Netherlands Patent Office. Thus far it seems to be broadly and exclusively comprehensive of aeronautical material patented within the Netherlands during our years of interest.

It may be that the Netherlands Patent Office, having come into existence rather late, had the advantage of seeing industries, such as that of aviation/aeronautics, after these fields had already been proven in their viability as distinguished fields. That is, a patent category definitively pertinent aircraft did not have to evolve its way out of some other category reflective of broader or older technological areas of technological development.

We are dealing here with a modest volume and high quality bloc of data. This seems to be at least as aero-oriented as FR 6.4, for instance. A posteriori application of IPC classifications come up only sporadically, in the case of Dutch material. These properly IPC classifications are not overly helpful in finding the Dutch material. Within the BPP eRegister ( of the Netherlands Patent Office, it is 62, properly an IdT classification, which is to be entered in "the IPC field".

In truth, for a time, our NL 62 patents reports may appear "deceptively large", in terms contemporaneous labelling of individual patents, as seen on the original documents. This has to do with the Netherlands Patent Office "IPC" 62 results up to 1918 based on registration date. Again, "IPC", as pertaining to Dutch material from our years of interest, is properly IdT classification, though "IPC" is featured being that the Dutch website is largely geared in terms of contemporary (to us) searches, while the antique "Indeling der Techniek" classifications will be of the greatest interest to us. In effect, we seem to be dealing with a "national patent classification", retroactively and digitally applied to antique patents, each of which will likely have an antique and subcategorized classification largely from among those listed below.

This wiki has 22 patents in category "NL 62".

Patents in category NL 62

Enclosing categories Dutch patent classifications
Subcategories NL 62.2, NL 62.5, NL 62.6, NL 62.7, NL 62.9, NL 62.13, NL 62.15, NL 62.15c
Keywords Aviation, LTA
Start year
End year