Marschall Antal

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Marschall Antal (aka Anton Marschall) was a Slovakian aero inventor or more especially perhaps an Automobile Manufacturer, located in Pozsony, Hungary (that is Bratislava, now in Slovakia).[1] He helped bring the helicopter of Bahily János to life. In terms of “nationality”, the man was likely of Slovakian culture and language, though a “national” of the Kingdom of Hungary as it exited at the time.

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Marschall Antal


Names Marschall Antal; Antal Marschall; Anton Marschall
Birth date
Death date
Countries HU
Locations Pozsony, Hungary (that is Bratislava, now in Slovakia)
Occupations Manufacturer
Tech areas
Affiliations Bahily János
Wikidata id