Julius Elster

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Julius Elster was a physicist who did research on atmospheric electricity, ionization, and solar radiation. He developed precise scientific instruments and made new measurements, generally working with Hans Geitel.[1][2][3]

Elster and Geitel showed that radioactivity caused the ionization of the atmosphere. This may have been their best-known finding, and was published in 1901. They appear to have been first to hypothesize that radioactivity decaying atoms was a source of radioactivity, in a work published in 1899. '"Elster and Geitel published about 200 papers during their scientific career, 72 of which dealt with atmospheric phenomena." Most named both as coauthors. They were nominated several times for the Nobel physics prize.[1]

"Julius Johann Philipp Ludwig Elster was born on 24 December 1854 in Blankenburg, Germany. His father had studied theology and obtained a doctorate degree at the University of Göttingen [then] worked as a private teacher."[1]

Publications by or about Julius Elster


Names Julius Elster; Julius Johann Philipp Ludwig Elster
Birth date 24 December 1854
Death date
Countries DE
Locations Blankenburg
Occupations scientist, physicist
Tech areas Meteorology, atmosphere, Electricity
Affiliations Hans Geitel
Wikidata id