Jean-Ferdinand-Nicolas-Émile Berrubé

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Jean-Ferdinand-Nicolas-Émile Berrubé was an aero inventor, working fundamentally on one system of "Ballon dirigeable", which is actually a hybrid incorporating principles of the heavier-than-air. We have him located within département Seine-Inférieure, France.[1] This patent content would comport well with the publication subject matter of an Émile Berrubé who was almost definitely the same person.

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Jean-Ferdinand-Nicolas-Émile Berrubé

Publications by or about Jean-Ferdinand-Nicolas-Émile Berrubé


Names Jean-Ferdinand-Nicolas-Émile Berrubé; Émile Berrubé
Birth date
Death date
Countries FR
Locations département Seine-Inférieure, France
Tech areas LTA, Heavier-than-air, Hybrid, Compartments, Hydrogen, Propellers, Wings
Wikidata id