Academic Technologies is in the Information Technologies, organization.

Computer labs on campus:
  Vogelback 143 (Macs and PCs)
  Library, 2nd floor, Reserve room (Macs and PCs)
  Tech 4257 (PCs)
  Tech B-386 (Unix workstations)
  Wieboldt 166, Chicago (Macs and PCs)

NU Terminology:
  (these definitions come from an UNOFFICIAL Usenet posting from John
   Norstad of AT in one of the groups or its predecessors, dated
   circa 4/12/96.  They are paraphrased slightly.)
  IST, or IT: the Information Technologies organization of which the groups
       below are a part.
  NSG: Network Services Group -- This group manages the fiber optic
       backbone and backbond Cisco routers, 10BaseT hubs, and other network
       electronics, and the modem pool.  It also manages departmental LANs,
       departmental NUNet connections, and the residential hall network
       hardware.  Basically NSG handles the network "infrastructure."
  TSS: Technology Support Services.  End-user support, including the 
       Information Center, consulting, documentation, and training.
  AT:  Academic Technologies.  This group includes the lab management
       group, the Instructional Technology Group, and the Network 
       Application Development Group (Norstad's own).
  UMS: University Management Systems.  Administrative computing, budget,
       payroll, personnel, student records, etc.
  UCC: University Computing Center.  Operations and system management.
       These folks keep the mainframes and the big UNIX servers running.

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