USPTO's STIC (Scientific and Technical Information Center) is a library with broad historical patent information. It's in the Remsen building of USPTO. It's part of the complex with the USPTO generally at 400 Dulany Street, in Alexandria, VA. Contact numbers: 571-272-3547 and -3548. It's open 8-5, Mon-Fri. Location: Remsen Building, Lobby Level, Room 1D58.
They don't have an online catalog. One may go and ask in detail, onsite. The library stacks are downstairs. Access may require informal negotiation but the rewards are excellent. It seems that almost all of the various national catalogues of historical patent data, referred to more so as "journals" at STIC, seem to be available, nearly or perhaps fully in their complete array.
- Belgian Recueil des Brevets d'Invention, along with various other antique publications which are overwhelmingly unavailable digitally
- Brazilian Archivos de Propriedade Industrial from Anno 1, 1901
- Canadian patent office, Abridgments
- Czechoslovakia from 1919
- French Bulletin Officiel de la propriété industrielle & commerciale; Catalogue des Brevets d'Invention 1844-1883
- German Kaiserliches Patentblatt from 1877; Patent-Muster-und Zeichen-wesen from 1894
- Hungarian Szabadalmi Kőzlőny from 1896
- Indian patent office inventions list, 1923
- Netherlands from 1915
- Portuguese Boletin de Propriedade Industrial from 1897
- Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft (Swiss Confederation) from 1889
- Spanish Boletin de la Propriedad Intellectuell e Industrial from Anno 3, 1888.
- Records for many other countries don't extend back to the early aero period before 1920. Bulgarian records begin in 1971; Belarus, 2008; Egypt, 1995; Estonia, 1996; Finland, 1951; Indonesia, 1942; Kyrgystan, 1996; Latvia, 1996; Lithuania, 1993; Macedonia, 1994; Moldova, 1993; Greece, 1967; Ireland, 1928; State of Israel, 1954; Philippines, 1949; Slovak Republic from 2007; Turkey from 1993; Ukraine from 2000; Vietnam from 1993; Yugoslavia (Jugoslavia) from 1933;
- A few historic books filed near TL 754 .P6, near Monica Carter's office, are about aeronautics.
- There are a few books of aero terminology in the translation section near TL 509 N6.
It takes a couple kinds of certification/permission to use the place. One gets Public Search User permission and a yellow id card in "the Madison building."
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