Page values for "Publication 12575, 1880, Vyderzhki iz protokolov besied osnovatelei 'Russkavo Obshchestva Vozdukhoplavania'"

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"Publications" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeAllowed valuesValue
Original_titleStringVyderzhki iz protokolov besied osnovatelei 'Russkavo Obshchestva Vozdukhoplavania'
Simple_titleStringExcerpts from the minutes of the baseless founders of the "Russian-Public Air"
CountriesList of Page, delimiter: ;RU
LanguagesList of Page, delimiter: ;Ru
KeywordsList of Page, delimiter: ;Excerpts from the minutes of the baseless founders of the "Russian-Public Air"
JournalList of Page, delimiter: ;Vozdukhoplavatel
Related_to_aircraftStringYes · Partially · No1