Page values for "Patent BE-1915-275202"
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"Patents" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Allowed values | Value |
Year_filed | Date | 1915 | |
Year_granted | Date | 1916 | |
Office | Page | BE | |
Patent_number | String | 275202 | |
Inventors | List of Page, delimiter: ; | Everard Richard Calthrop | |
Inventor_country | List of Page, delimiter: ; | GB | |
Applicant_person | List of Page, delimiter: ; | Everard Richard Calthrop | |
Applicant_type | List of String, delimiter: ; | INDIV | |
Applicant_is_inventor | Boolean | Yes | |
Original_title | String | Perfectionnements relatifs aux ballons, faisant l’objet d’une demande de brevet déposée en Angleterre, le 24 septembre 1914 | |
English_title | String | Improvements relative to balloons, constituting the object of a British patent submitted and filed 24 September 1914 | |
Tech_fields | List of Page, delimiter: ; | Nacelle • Design • Construction • Cable • LTA • Balloons • Universal joint | |
Filing_date | Date | 1915-09-22 | |
Granted | Boolean | No | |
Supplementary_to_patent | List of Page, delimiter: ; | Patent GB-1914-20119 | |
Related_to_aircraft | String | Yes · Partially · No | 1 |
Patent_agent | Page | J. Gevers | |
National_tech_categories | List of Page, delimiter: ; | BE K | |
First_filing | Boolean | No |