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This a broad phenomenon having to do with mass production and the bringing of innovation to scale. There is also a feedback effect upon innovation itself, and the means of its development. This broad phenomenon is different in emphasis from industry, which we are handling more in terms of material specifics. Factors such as World War I are exceedingly pertinent.

Among other things, this process leaps forward as technological principles are considered to be reliably known. The fixed-wing airplane, for instance, is massively and industrially produced largely after its practical or general superiority over various alternatives is established.

We have referred to “pre-corporate dynamism” as a realm of intrigue largely pre-dating these later developments. The earlier work is “pre-paradigmatic” in so far as Industrialization may be treated as a paradigm. The characterization of collaborative and other co-influencing, between multiple inventors, over time, as a per se “social network” may be more apt when applied to the earlier period.

See also: