Societa Idrovolanti Alta Italia

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Societa Idrovolanti Alta Italia built FBA flying boats under license in 1915.

Rafaele Conflenti hired as designer, 1916.

Conflenti designed improved French flying boat of which 172 were built by WWI Armistice. Postwar, continued to build a variety of flying boats designed by Conflenti until he left in May 1922. Alessaandro Marchetti joined as designer in 1922 and about 1933 company changed its name to Societa Italiana Aeroplani Idrovolanti Savoia-Marchetti , reorganizing and becoming SIAI-Marchetti ca. 1943.

No explanation in Gunston for Savoia in second name.

Name change, 1933


Names Societa Idrovolanti Alta Italia (SIAI)
Country Italy
City Sesto Calende
Started aero 1915
Ended aero 1933
Key people Rafaele Conflenti, Alessaandro Marchetti
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