Publication 6390, 1909, The international commission for scientific aeronautics

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From the text:[1]

The sixth Congress of the International Commission for Scientific Aëronautics commenced at Monaco on April 1. Thirty-three members were present, representing fourteen countries. The Prince of Monaco, by whose invitation the meeting was held at Monaco, placed the rooms of the new Oceanographical Museum at the service of the commission. Among the members present were Prof. Hergesell (the president), Profs. Assmann, Berson, and Captain Hildebrandt from Germany, M. Teisserenc de Bort from France, Prof. Hildebrandsson from Sweden, Prof. A. L. Rotch from the United States, Generals Rykatcheff and Kowanko from Russia, Colonel Vives y Vich from Spain, Prof. Bierknes from Norway, Prof. Palazzo and Dr. Oddone from Italy, Hofrat von Konkoly from Hungary, M. Vincent from Belgium, Captain Ryder from Denmark, and Messrs. P. Alexander and C. J. P. Cave from [Britain] . . .


  • Brockett 1910, page 439, entry 6390: International (The) commission for scientific aeronautics. Nature, Vol. 80, No. 2064 (May 1909), London, pp. 354-356. S (6390

Original title The international commission for scientific aeronautics
Simple title The international commission for scientific aeronautics
Date 1909
Countries GB
Languages en
Keywords International Commission for Scientific Aeronautics
Journal Nature
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Page count
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Wikidata id Q64308536