Patent HU-1916-71931

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  • “Publication/disclosure” will be treated as “date granted”, for now. The “Megjelent (year). évi (month) hó (day)-én (or án)”, that is “Released (month) (day), (year)”, given on the original, is nearly always later, and we do not know which legally constitutes the patent’s being “granted”. Fortunately, filing date data is clean and simple and consistent between the data page and the original.
  • the Szellemi Tulajdon Nemzeti Hivatala database in anglophone setting, choosing the Patent option, among the Advanced search on the left of the page, and using patent classification “V/h” as the keyword
  • Original .pdf drawn from Szellemi Tulajdon Nemzeti Hivatala database
  • Virtual or direct analogue access to Szabadalmi Kőzlőny will facilitate the gathering of other data.
  • Inventor location: Lichtenberg (There are multiple localities named "Lichtenberg". The Hungarian database gives the nationality (XX). We are likely dealing here with a nation no longer existing as such, a city or town having changed national hands. Again, this Hungarian material is arrayed from our present, back through 1896, treated legally and so forth in terms of proprietary rights and national designations as officially pertinent today. That is why all patents are designated as "Oltalom nem áll fenn", that is "No protection exists". Most likely, protected status had been achieved, for some number of years, as we would understand it, but they are no longer protected, today. Likewise, in rarer cases, the national designation of the inventor has become defunct.)
  • Inventor occupational: We have only “Company”, here, “Cég”. The Hungarian modern type-entered data gives D. Hirsch, presumably as an individual, as the 100% rightsholder. Whether his work was incorporated, or whether he played an occupational role relative to some “Company”, we don't know.

Year filed 1916
Year granted 1918
Office HU
Patent number 71931
Inventors D. Hirsch
Inventor country
Applicant person D. Hirsch
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? Yes
Original title Csarnokkapukhoz való reteszes zár
English title Latches for hall gates
Tech fields construction, airship, airplane, infrastructure
Filing date 1916/07/06
Full specification filed date
Application number 71931
Grant date 1918/01/15
Granted? Yes
Publication date 1918/04/22
Supplementary to patent
Related to aircraft? Yes
Serial number
Patent agent
Assigned to
National tech categories HU V/h
Family year 1916
First filing? No
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID
Number of text pages 2
Number of diagram pages 1
Number of figures 1
Number of claims 2