Manufacturers' Aircraft Association

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An organization formed in 13 February 1917 as the Aircraft Manufacturers' Association, after some opaque rigamarole, did not exactly change its name, but formed a new organization called the Manufacturers' Aircraft Association on 17 July 1917. Whereas the former Association was more of a discussion group, the latter oversaw cross-licensing of airplane patents, to the especial financial benefit of Wright-Marin and Curtiss corporations.[1][2][3][4].

[We could separate the pages if we wanted to.]

The organization change was announced by Fay L. Faurote, chairman of the publicity committee, as follows:

At a meeting held July 24 in the law offices of Crisp, Randall & Crisp, well-known patent attorneys, the air manufacturers of the United States pooled their patent interests for the good of the nation and formed a new organization known as the Manufacturers Aircraft Association, Inc. By the terms of their agreement the various patents owned by the individual members are to be taken over and cross-licensed that their use may be made universal to all engaged in the industry.[5]

Judge W. Benton Crisp, "one of the trustees, well known as Henry Ford's attorney in the Selden patent case, the counsel for Curtiss in the Wright vs. Curtiss litigation and representative of the Hudson interests in the Hudson crank shaft case, was retained as general council."[5]

Critics referred to the organization as the Airplane Trust.

Officers [of AMA or MAA?] in July 1917:[6]

Members of MAA in 1919:

Aircraft Year Book, 1919, p. 32:

Finally, however, in February, 1917, during he Aeroplane Show in New York City, Harry Bowers Mingle, the president of the Standard Aircraft Corporation, sent out letters inviting the various aeroplane companies to send representatives to form a committee to discuss the situation. His invitations were accepted. The committee met and the Aircraft Manufacturers' Association was formed on February 13, 1917. Most of the important manufacturers joined.
In this organization, however, there was no attempt made to solve the patent situation. Meetings were devoted almost entirely to the discussion of technical and business problems affecting the industry at that time.

The Association collaborated with government's Aircraft Production Board to coordinate the supply of airplanes for the war effort. It set up shop at Hotel Raleigh, in Washington, DC, in order to keep in good touch with the Board.[6]

  • Addresses: Old Colony Club, Hotel Raleigh, Washington DC; Address: 501 Fifth Avenue, New York City (1920)


  1. Aircraft Year Book, 1919, pp. 32–37.
  2. Clark & Lyons, 2014, Squier, p. 151.
  3. Robertson, 2003, p. 33.
  5. 5.0 5.1 "Manufacturers Aircraft Association, Inc., to Aid Government", Air Service Journal; Vol. 1, No. 4; August 2, 1917; p. 111)
  6. 6.0 6.1 "Aircraft Manufacturers Association", Air Service Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3., July 26, 1917, p. 91.

Organization names Aircraft Manufacturers' Association; Manufacturers' Aircraft Association
Entity type
Country US
Locations Washington, DC, New York city, New York state
Affiliated with British Society of Aircraft Constructors, Aircraft Production Board
Scope National
Started aero 1917
Ended aero
Key people
Wikidata id

People affiliated with Manufacturers' Aircraft Association or Manufacturers Aircraft Association or MAA or Aircraft Manufacturers' Association

Organizations affiliated with Manufacturers' Aircraft Association or Manufacturers Aircraft Association or MAA or Aircraft Manufacturers' Association:

Companies affiliated with Manufacturers' Aircraft Association or Manufacturers Aircraft Association or MAA or Aircraft Manufacturers' Association

Publications by or about Manufacturers' Aircraft Association or Manufacturers Aircraft Association or MAA or Aircraft Manufacturers' Association